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Innovation for a fair and sustainable society

Innovation for a fair and sustainable society Pure Water Group en REDstack zullen gezamenlijk aanwezig zijn op het Wetsus Congress 2021. Bezoek ons in Stadsschouwburg 'De Harmonie' in Leeuwarden op 4 en 5 Oktober. Tot dan! The Pure Water Group brings together over 25...

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Pure Water Group bij Doe Maar Duurzaam!

Pure Water Group bij Doe Maar Duurzaam!  Pieter Hack en Jerry Hager vertellen je hoe Pure Water Group, als toonaangevende fabrikant van geavanceerde en duurzame waterzuiveringsapparatuur, een positieve bijdrage levert aan de transitie naar een duurzame samenleving....

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Pure Water Group on TV at Doe Maar Duurzaam!

Pure Water Group on TV at Doe Maar Duurzaam! Pieter Hack and Jerry Hager explain how Pure Water Group, as a leading manufacturer of advanced and sustainable water purification equipment, contributes to the transition to a sustainable society. Pure Water Group:...

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Pure Water Group invests in a sustainable future

Pure Water Group invests in a sustainable future A company building innovative and sustainable water purification systems must also do something themselves. That’s why Pure Water Group has recently invested heavily in sustainability and efficiency, and will continue...

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Forse besparing op huurkosten en minder risico

Forse besparing op huurkosten en minder risico Stroomopwekking is wereldwijd een van de grootste waterverbruikende industrieën. Energiecentrales gebruiken enorme hoeveelheden water voor boilers, koeling en andere utiliteitstoepassingen. Het belang van het behandelen...

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Doe Maar Duurzaam!

Doe Maar Duurzaam!Bij Pure Water Group zijn onlangs opnames gemaakt voor het RTLZ programma Doe Maar Duurzaam. Dit programma staat in het teken van duurzaam ondernemerschap, duurzame technieken en diensten, wat uitstekend aansluit bij de visie en activiteiten van Pure...

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W&F Technologies BV verwerft Pure Water Group

W&F Technologies BV verwerft Pure Water GroupW&F Technologies heeft vandaag de acquisitie van Pure Water Group wereldkundig gemaakt. Met deze strategische uitbreiding ontstaat er een krachtige synergie tussen de bestaande entiteiten REDstack, W&F...

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W&F Technologies BV acquires Pure Water Group

W&F Technologies BV acquires Pure Water Group W&F Technologies today announces the strategic acquisition of Pure Water Group. With this acquisition W&F Technologies launches a powerful synergy between her entities REDstack, W&F Technologies and Pure...

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Pure Water Group expands its businesses

Pure Water Group expands its businessesPure Water Group is a leading manufacturer of advanced and sustainable water purification equipment based on technologies such as Electro Deionization (EDI), Membrane Degassing (MD) and Electro Dialysis Reversal (EDR). Our...

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Pure Water Group purifies water for nuclear fusion

Pure Water Group purifies water for nuclear fusionSPRUNDEL, THE NETHERLANDS – To see what’s going on at companies in his municipality, deputy mayor Martien de Bruijn paid a company visit to Pure Water Group. As one of the world’s leading companies for state-of-the-art...

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Pure Water Group, for any capacity EDI system

Pure Water Group, for any capacity EDI systemPure Water Group is well known as one of the world’s leading companies for high capacity Electrodeionization (EDI) systems. Most industrial systems that are delivered over the last decades have a capacity typically in the...

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Pure Water Group again successful in Egypt

Another contract to deliver high capacity Continuous Electro Deionization Systems and Membrane Degassing Units for supercritical power projects in Egypt has been awarded to Pure Water Group. This latest success rewards the company’s proven commitment to high quality equipment and service provision in meeting customer expectations and standards.

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